


當然不是說我太太無聊 (怎麼敢嘛),也不宜妄論割人或被割的人無聊,而是這則新聞真無聊。這年頭早已被各種聳動的新聞內容,或是刻意誇張的行銷手法給麻痺了,反正經常謠言滿天飛,是對是錯也沒帶來什麼不良影響,只是多了一則茶餘飯後的閒談話題罷了 (偏偏這種藝術的話題也無人會聊─亦簡稱無聊)。

不過恰好是自己有興趣的美術史,於是燃起一股想一探究竟的好奇心。在網路上追查了一下來源,我馬上就投降了, 從幾個關鍵字查到的新聞文字幾乎都是直接複製貼上,記者們也實在太懶了,在部落格內也出現了超過百篇有同樣的文字 (畢竟這算是藝術界的大新聞),遺憾的是,幾乎沒有一篇會打上文字來源。

於是轉移方向至英文的網站,這下可不得了,我Google了這樣的關鍵字『Van Gogh’s Ear: Paul Gauguin and the Pact of Silence』,結果不是數十筆,而是數十頁的搜尋結果,大多數的內容,也是 copy-paste 類似的文字。我再向 Amazon 想要查詢有無這本書,沒有。我試著想找這兩位研究學者『Hans Kaufmann and Rita Wildegans』的相關資料,數百筆的網站記錄內也是相同的新聞文字,即使將範圍鎖定在學術領域,仍一無所獲。我無功而返。



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【2009/05/06 聯合報】


Gauguin ‘cut off Van Gogh’s ear’

Van Gogh famously painted a self-portrait with his ear bandaged
Vincent van Gogh did not cut off his own ear but lost it in a fight with fellow artist Paul Gauguin in a row outside a brothel, it has been claimed.

It has long been accepted that the mentally ill Dutch painter cut off his own ear with a razor after the row in Arles, southern France, in 1888.

But a new book, based on the original police investigation, claims Gauguin swiped Van Gogh’s ear with a sword.

The authors argue the official version of events contains inconsistencies.

Witness statements

The book, titled In Van Gogh’s Ear: Paul Gauguin and the Pact of Silence, is the product of 10 years of research by German academics Hans Kaufmann and Rita Wildegans.

They looked at witness accounts and letters sent by the two artists, concluding that the row ended with Gauguin – a keen fencer – cutting his friend’s ear off.

Van Gogh then apparently wrapped it in cloth and handed it to a prostitute, called Rachel.

Mr Kaufmann said it was not clear whether it was an accident or a deliberate attempt to injure Van Gogh, but afterwards both men agreed to tell the police the self-harm story to protect Gauguin.

He said the traditional version of events is based on contradictory and improbable evidence, and no independent witness statement exists.

“Gauguin was not present at the supposed self-mutilation,” he told Le Figaro newspaper in France.

“As for Van Gogh, he didn’t confirm anything. Their behaviour afterwards and various suggestions by the protagonists indicate they were hiding the truth.”

Gauguin later moved to Tahiti, where he produced some of his most famous works. Van Gogh died in 1890 after shooting himself in the chest.

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